According to me, the more +1'd this you receive the chances for your blog's PR to improve will increase also because the Page Rank algorithm is linked to all activities that takes place in your blog. The video below will demonstrate better.
Google +1 Button that will show publicly what you like, agree with, or recommend on the web. When you +1 an article or tutorial, your name will appear under that article when that article appears in search results. You can also find out what articles your friends read and liked. This according to Google is aimed to make Google Search results more relevant and useful. For Bloggers like you, I am sure this is another great tool to increase the PR, relevancy and importance of your blog.
Google +1 Button that will show publicly what you like, agree with, or recommend on the web. When you +1 an article or tutorial, your name will appear under that article when that article appears in search results. You can also find out what articles your friends read and liked. This according to Google is aimed to make Google Search results more relevant and useful. For Bloggers like you, I am sure this is another great tool to increase the PR, relevancy and importance of your blog.